Find your group (and bird!) information below.
Kea Party
Dec 28 & 29, 2023 (Thurs & Fri)
Kea facts:
- The only parrot that can survive in Alpine environments
- Can understand probability and is considered to have the intelligence of a four-year-old human child
- Known for destruction of cars, antennae, and anything it can get its claws/beak on
Piwakawaka Party
Jan 5 & 6, 2024 (Fri & Sat)
Pīwakawaka facts:
- Also known as the New Zealand fantail
- One of the most common and widely distributed native birds in New Zealand
- Appear to be friendly because they follow humans around, but only because our footsteps stir up tasty bug snacks
Kakapo Party
Jan 25 & 26, 2024 (Thurs & Fri)
Kakapo facts:
- A flightless parrot
- The basis of the famous party parrot! The original party parrot was Sirocco, whose head-mating skyrocketed him to YouTube fame.
Pukeko Party
Feb 5 & 6, 2024 (Mon & Tues)
Pukeko facts:
- Has lived in New Zealand for 1000+ years
- Can breed in groups, with multiple females laying eggs in the same nest and multiple adult pukekos caring for a group of chicks
Tui Party
Feb 22 & 23, 2024 (Thurs & Fri)
Tui facts:
- Endemic to New Zealand, meaning they can't be found anywhere else
- Has a gift for mimicking any noise it hears, including car alarms, jingles, and human speech!
- Loud when flying, as they must rapidly flap their short, wide wings
Kiwi Party
Mar 4 & 5, 2024 (Mon & Tues)
Kiwi facts:
- Has enormous eggs (6 times bigger than eggs for birds of the same size, and taking up 20% of a mother's body!)
- The only bird in the world with nostrils at the end of its beak
Weka Party
Mar 28 & 29, 2024 (Thurs & Fri)
Weka facts:
- Commonly mistaken for a kiwi (if you think you see one, it's most likely a weka). Unlike the kiwi, the weka has wings, though it also can't use them to fly
- Adept at thievery
- Can poop its body weight in a day!
Kereru Party
Please choose another Jan or Mar party
Kereru facts:
- It's a pigeon. But as expected of New Zealand, a flipping beautiful one!
- Endemic to New Zealand, meaning they can't be found anywhere else
- Plays a large role in the survival of many native New Zealand trees, as they are the only native bird that can eat large fruit to help spread the seeds
A little MuXu history
How did MuXu come to be? It's a long, crazy story... and it's right here. In comic form!